1 minute read

Well it’s been a while since my last post, near nine months. Too much time for any author that really wants to maintain its site more or less alive.  I’m sure that many of my loyal readers thought that I decided to abandon the blog, specially those that also follow my steps on Twitter where I have not been very active either.

What can I say? Working for VMware is without any doubt one of the most awesome and mind-blowing experiences I’ve ever had! During these months I’ve been involved in some really big vCloud engagements, had the opportunity to work with vCAC, vCloud, Chargeback, vC Ops and vCO in an everyday basis and have learn tons of new cool things. I’ve finally started a personal and professional transition from an infrastructure role to an automation and development focused one.

And I’ve been awarded as VMware vExpert for third year! :D

Honestly being a consultant at PSO is amazing but it’s also a very exhausting and time consuming job, there are always lots of new interesting things to do but not enough time available to try and test every crazy stuff you find, write on the blog, do your job and attend your family. As you can imagine not spending time with my family is completely out of the question and I have to admit that closing the blog has crossed my mind a couple of times. Instead I’ve decided to organize better the rest of my life and try to find time every week to write a couple of posts.

I really enjoy write about my experiences at work, time will tell if I am able to keep my promise, I really hope so :)

