less than 1 minute read

Quietly released by HP less than a week ago, the HP iLO Mobile Application for iOS allows you to control your ProLiant server through their iLO console from your iOS device. It is compatible with iPhone 4/4S and iPad 1/2 and can be found on Apple App Store.

The application is much more than a simple remote console to access the operating system running on the server. You can operate the power controls of the server, mount ISO images, access and interact with the iLO web interface and even launch iLO scripts from your mobile device.

Of course you can also store a list of the servers to manage and save the login the credentials for each of them.

The product page can be accessed here on the HP site. There is also a user guide with useful info and tips.

Following are a couple of screenshot from the app running on my iPad and another one taken from HP with the output generated by an iLO3 script.

Main screen

Configure iLO screen

iLO script output

