less than 1 minute read

May be some of you are not aware of this but the HP Lefthand Central Management Console application is available not only for Windows but for Linux and HP-UX also. The application is included on the SAN/iQ Management Software DVD that can be downloaded from here.

Burn the iso  or mount it in your Linux system. Navigate trough the iso to GUI/Linux/Disk1/InstData, there you will find two files and a directory named VM. Get into the directory and will find the installer CMC_Installer.bin.

Launch the installer passing it the full path to the installer properties file, in this case the file MediaId.properties that can be found on GUI/Linux/Disk1/InstData.

root@wopr:/mnt/iso/GUI/Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM# ./CMC_Installer.bin -f /mnt/iso/Linux/Disk1/InstData/MediaId.properties

The CMC will be installed in /opt/LeftHandNetworks/UI. Once the installation is finished launch the CMC from the shell or create a launcher on your Gnome/KDE desktop and voilà you can now control your Lefthand Storage systems from your favorite Linux distro.

