1 minute read

Those of you who follow me on Twitter probably know that I joined the HP Spain Linux Team a couple of weeks ago and since then my life has become very interesting.

I really meditated this decision, in the first time I was partially reluctant; is not that I don’t like Linux on the contrary is one of my favorites operative systems and I use it as my desktop OS at home but for the enterprise arena I always have been an HP-UX guy, and I felt like I was betraying myself but in the end I don’t regret my decision. The Linux Team is composed by some of the most talented guys in HP Spain and there is a sincere feeling of friendship between the members of the Team. The change of team has also an Easter egg, I will have the opportunity to focus more on VMware technologies, something that I’ve been doing more and more during the lasts years.

My friend Jean asked me to not let down the HP-UX community, Jean you really touch me with this :-) I never felt that I was an important member of the community and for instance I don’t believe I am. This is only a very small site and there are people more important than me out there like Olivier S. Masse, Daniel Parkes or the hundreds of great guys that everyday build the real HP-UX community on ITRC Forums.

For those of you who have been reading and supporting this blog, don’t worry I will continue to write posts about my/our beloved HP-UX along with more content about Linux and VMware.

Wish me luck and let the new era begins! :-)

