1 minute read

Yesterday’s post about CLARiiON reminded me a similar issue I observed when the storage array is an HP EVA. If you ask for the disk serial number with scsimgr you always get the same number, in fact this number is the serial of the HSV controller.

The key to match your disk in the HP-UX host with the LUN provided by the EVA arrays is the wwid attribute of the disk.

root@ignite:/ # scsimgr get_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk10 -a wwid

        SCSI ATTRIBUTES FOR LUN : /dev/rdisk/disk10

name = wwid
current = 0x600508b40006cb700000600008bb0000
default =
saved =

root@ignite:/ #

If you look for this value in Command View will see that is the same as the World Wide LUN Name and the UUID.


Thanks to my friend Jean and to Greg who reminded me that like Greg said in his comment is much easier to match the Word Wide LUN Name with the evainfo tool. Thanks to both of you :-)

root@hpux-server # evainfo -aP

Devicefile                      Array                   WWNN                            Capacity        Controller/Port/Mode
/dev/rdisk/disk20       5001-4380-04C7-2D90 6005-08B4-000F-3EED-0000-5000-003A-0000      204800MB       Ctl-A/FP-2/Optimized
/dev/rdisk/disk21       5001-4380-04C7-2D90 6005-08B4-000F-3EED-0000-5000-0042-0000      204800MB       Ctl-A/FP-1/Optimized
/dev/rdisk/disk22       5001-4380-04C7-2D90 6005-08B4-000F-3EED-0000-5000-004A-0000       20480MB       Ctl-A/FP-1/Optimized
/dev/rdisk/disk23       5001-4380-04C7-2D90 6005-08B4-000F-3EED-0000-5000-004E-0000       71680MB       Ctl-A/FP-2/Optimized
/dev/rdisk/disk24       5001-4380-04C7-2D90 6005-08B4-000F-3EED-0000-5000-0052-0000       10240MB       Ctl-A/FP-1/Optimized
/dev/rdisk/disk25       5001-4380-04C7-2D90 6005-08B4-000F-3EED-0000-5000-0056-0000       10240MB       Ctl-A/FP-1/Optimized
/dev/rdisk/disk26       5001-4380-04C7-2D90 6005-08B4-000F-3EED-0000-5000-005A-0000       20480MB       Ctl-A/FP-1/Optimized
/dev/rdisk/disk27       5001-4380-04C7-2D90 6005-08B4-000F-3EED-0000-5000-005E-0000      245760MB       Ctl-A/FP-1/Optimized

Where can I get EVAinfo? Like Greg said EVAinfo is distributed on the HP StorageWorks Storage System Scripting Utility CD (SSSU) since 8.0 version. Unfortunately I couldn’t find, yet, a public download URL but the CD is distributed with the hardware so if you own an EVA is probably you already have the media.

Thanks to Jean, man it seems that I owe you more than a couple of beers ;-D, here it is the URL of the CD. You will find the EVAinfo utility inside the HP StorageWorks Command View SSSU v9.2 software ISO.


