6 minute read

In today post I will show how to create and brake a mirrored volume in Veritas Volume Manager and Logical Volume Manager.


Creating a mirror of a volume and later split it in LVM is quite easy an can be done with a few commands. I’m going to suppose that the original volume is already created.

  • Extend the Volume Group that contain the lvol

It has to be done with the same number of disks and of the same size that the ones within the VG.

[root@sheldon] / # vgextend vg_oracle /dev/disk/disk26
Volume group "vg_oracle" has been successfully extended.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg_oracle has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg_oracle.conf
[root@sheldon] / #
  • Create the mirror
[root@sheldon] / # lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg_oracle/lv_oracle /dev/disk/disk26
The newly allocated mirrors are now being synchronized. This operation will
take some time. Please wait ....
Logical volume "/dev/vg_oracle/lv_oracle" has been successfully extended.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg_oracle has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg_oracle.conf
[root@sheldon] / #
  • Check the configuration
[root@sheldon] / # lvdisplay /dev/vg_oracle/lv_oracle
--- Logical volumes ---
LV Name                     /dev/vg_oracle/lv_oracle
VG Name                     /dev/vg_oracle
LV Permission               read/write                
LV Status                   available/syncd           
Mirror copies               1            
Consistency Recovery        MWC                 
Schedule                    parallel      
LV Size (Mbytes)            208             
Current LE                  13             
Allocated PE                26             
Stripes                     0       
Stripe Size (Kbytes)        0                   
Bad block                   NONE         
Allocation                  strict                    
IO Timeout (Seconds)        default             
Number of Snapshots         0  

[root@sheldon] / #
  • Perform the split
[root@sheldon] / # lvsplit -s copy /dev/vg_oracle/lv_oracle
Logical volume "/dev/vg_oracle/lv_oraclecopy" has been successfully created with
character device "/dev/vg_oracle/rlv_oraclecopy".
Logical volume "/dev/vg_oracle/lv_oracle" has been successfully split.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg_oracle has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg_oracle.conf
[root@sheldon] / #
  • Reestablish the mirror

If the VG are 1.0 or 2.0 version the merge can not be performed if the group is in shared mode, for the 2.1 volume groups the lvmerge can be done in any mode.

The order to do the merge is the copy FIRST and the master SECOND. This is very important if don’t want to sync the mirror in wrong direction.

[root@sheldon] / # lvmerge /dev/vg_oracle/lv_oraclecopy /dev/vg_oracle/lv_oracle
Logical volume "/dev/vg_oracle/lv_oraclecopy" has been successfully merged
with logical volume "/dev/vg_oracle/lv_oracle".
Logical volume "/dev/vg_oracle/lv_oraclecopy" has been successfully removed.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg_oracle has been saved in /etc/lvmconf/vg_oracle.conf
[root@sheldon] / #


The process in VxVM is in many ways similar to the LVM one.

  • Add a new disk/disks to the diskgroup

Launch vxdiskadm tool and select Add or initialize one or more disks.

[root@sheldon] / # vxdiskadm

Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk

 1      Add or initialize one or more disks
 2      Remove a disk
 3      Remove a disk for replacement
 4      Replace a failed or removed disk
 5      Mirror volumes on a disk
 6      Move volumes from a disk
 7      Enable access to (import) a disk group
 8      Remove access to (deport) a disk group
 9      Enable (online) a disk device
 10     Disable (offline) a disk device
 11     Mark a disk as a spare for a disk group
 12     Turn off the spare flag on a disk
 13     Remove (deport) and destroy a disk group
 14     Unrelocate subdisks back to a disk
 15     Exclude a disk from hot-relocation use
 16     Make a disk available for hot-relocation use
 17     Prevent multipathing/Suppress devices from VxVM's view
 18     Allow multipathing/Unsuppress devices from VxVM's view
 19     List currently suppressed/non-multipathed devices
 20     Change the disk naming scheme
 21     Change/Display the default disk layouts
 22     Mark a disk as allocator-reserved for a disk group
 23     Turn off the allocator-reserved flag on a disk
 list   List disk information

 ?      Display help about menu
 ??     Display help about the menuing system
 q      Exit from menus

Select an operation to perform:  1

Enter the disk and answer the questions according to your configuration and exit the tool when the process is done.

Add or initialize disks
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/AddDisks

 Use this operation to add one or more disks to a disk group.  You can
 add the selected disks to an existing disk group or to a new disk group
 that will be created as a part of the operation. The selected disks may
 also be added to a disk group as spares. Or they may be added as
 nohotuses to be excluded from hot-relocation use. The selected
 disks may also be initialized without adding them to a disk group
 leaving the disks available for use as replacement disks.

 More than one disk or pattern may be entered at the prompt.  Here are
 some disk selection examples:

 all:          all disks
 c3 c4t2:      all disks on both controller 3 and controller 4, target 2
 c3t4d2:       a single disk (in the c#t#d# naming scheme)
 xyz_0:        a single disk (in the enclosure based naming scheme)
 xyz_:         all disks on the enclosure whose name is xyz

 disk#:        a single disk (in the new naming scheme)

Select disk devices to add: [<pattern-list>,all,list,q,?]  disk28
Here is the disk selected.  Output format: [Device_Name]


Continue operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)  

 You can choose to add this disk to an existing disk group, a
 new disk group, or leave the disk available for use by future
 add or replacement operations.  To create a new disk group,
 select a disk group name that does not yet exist.  To leave
 the disk available for future use, specify a disk group name
 of "none".

Which disk group [<group>,none,list,q,?] (default: none)  dg_sap

Use a default disk name for the disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)  n

Add disk as a spare disk for dg_sap? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)  

Exclude disk from hot-relocation use? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)  

Add site tag to disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)  

 The selected disks will be added to the disk group dg_sap with
 disk names that you will specify interactively.


Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)  

 Initializing device disk28.

Enter desired private region length
[<privlen>,q,?] (default: 32768)  

Enter disk name for disk28 [<name>,q,?] (default: dg_sap02)  

 VxVM  NOTICE V-5-2-88
Adding disk device disk28 to disk group dg_sap with disk
 name dg_sap02.

Add or initialize other disks? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)
  • Check the configuration.
[root@sheldon] / # vxprint -g dg_sap
dg dg_sap       dg_sap       -        -        -        -        -       -

dm dg_sap01     disk27       -        228224   -        -        -       -
dm dg_sap02     disk28       -        228224   -        -        -       -

v  sapvol       fsgen        ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
pl sapvol-01    sapvol       ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd dg_sap01-01  sapvol-01    ENABLED  204800   0        -        -       -
[root@sheldon] / #
  • Create the mirror.
[root@sheldon] / # vxassist -g dg_sap mirror sapvol dg_sap02
[root@sheldon] / #
[root@sheldon] / # vxprint -g dg_sap                        
dg dg_sap       dg_sap       -        -        -        -        -       -

dm dg_sap01     disk27       -        228224   -        -        -       -
dm dg_sap02     disk28       -        228224   -        -        -       -

v  sapvol       fsgen        ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
pl sapvol-01    sapvol       ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd dg_sap01-01  sapvol-01    ENABLED  204800   0        -        -       -
pl sapvol-02    sapvol       ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd dg_sap02-01  sapvol-02    ENABLED  204800   0        -        -       -
[root@sheldon] / #
  • Break the mirror.

To do this just disassociate the corresponding plex from the volume.

[root@sheldon] / # vxplex -g dg_sap dis sapvol-02
[root@sheldon] / # vxprint -g dg_sap             
dg dg_sap       dg_sap       -        -        -        -        -       -

dm dg_sap01     disk27       -        228224   -        -        -       -
dm dg_sap02     disk28       -        228224   -        -        -       -

pl sapvol-02    -            DISABLED 204800   -        -        -       -
sd dg_sap02-01  sapvol-02    ENABLED  204800   0        -        -       -

v  sapvol       fsgen        ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
pl sapvol-01    sapvol       ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd dg_sap01-01  sapvol-01    ENABLED  204800   0        -        -       -
[root@sheldon] / #
  • Reattach the plex to the volume and reestablish the mirror.
[root@sheldon] / # vxplex -g dg_sap att sapvol sapvol-02

And we are done for now, more VxVM stuff in a future post.

